
My Favorite Board Game Genre (& the Best Games in it)

My tastes are hard to explain sometimes. I like fantasy.I like adventure.I like dungeon crawl-y settings, exploration and combat.But I don't like dice.Or modifiers.Or the Star Wars sequels. But that's for another time. I've tried and failed in the past to come up with a name for the board game genre I'm into. Euro fantasy?… Continue reading My Favorite Board Game Genre (& the Best Games in it)

Talking Microgames on the BGDL Podcast

In a dream-come-true moment, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by a genuine hero of mine, Gabe Barrett, on his show, The Board Game Design Lab podcast. You can listen to it on his website, or through your preferred podcast app. If you search for it on his podcast, the episode is called [Community… Continue reading Talking Microgames on the BGDL Podcast